
Lakeshore View Lake Forest Park, Washington
Single-family home stretching down a long narrow lot to capture distant views down Lake Washington and opening to the south sunshine

The Carriage House @ Lakewold Gardens Lakewood, Washington
Historic Structures report and proposed rehabilitation of this early 20th century garage & stable building on the former Wagner Estate

hahobas 131010
MASTER PLAN; Proposal for Camp Hahobas             Tahuya, Washington
New Entry Access, Administrative Plaza, and Dining Hall to summer residence camp of Boy Scouts of America
LMy 130904
DRIVING HISTORY; Harold E. LeMay Museum Proposal                                                                                                              Tacoma, Washington
Museum, Drive-in, Drive-up automobile experience
SCamCntre 130904
St. Camillus Center for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Proposal                                                                                         Mohale’s Hoek, Lesotho
Dining Hall, Training Center, and Crisis Intervention for children impacted by AIDS
Kor 130904
Korean War Veteran’s Memorial                                        Washington, D.C.
Competition entry